Early Childhood Parenting Matters to Philanthropists

Welcome Philanthropists!

You want your gifts to matter. And so you ask, “What investments pay the highest social returns?” Investments in early childhood interventions top the list, according to Nobel laureate economist James Heckman, because they deliver social value in health, education, criminal justice and a competent, creative workforce.

Pioneering philanthropists are powering creative initiatives like Believe to Become in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which has brought together health, education, and faith leaders from nearly 100 organizations with remarkable results. But there are still many business leaders, philanthropists, citizens, policy makers and educators who still don’t get it.

A Manifesto for You

If you want to understand the critical importance of early childhood parenting, this book is for you. It makes the case for the peculiar power of cultural transmission in the earliest years of life that sets a child’s trajectory. That trajectory affects virtually every aspect of family, community and social life, from education to obesity to criminal justice. In short, early childhood parenting is the linchpin of addressing a dense web of social issues that affect your community and our society.

Specifically, by reading this book, you will:

  • Understand the lifelong impact of early home life on children’s learning and wellbeing
  • Recognize the power of early brain development for the children in your community
  • Identify the four key developmental areas that parents influence
  • Focus on the three critical levers for promoting healthy development
  • Identify ways that schools, non-profits, businesses and community organizations can work together to support thriving families in your community

Because The Apprenticeship of Being Human:

  • Provides an overview of the nature and rate of human brain development
  • Offers a simple, compelling metaphor that captures the power of relationships
  • Displays the power of stories in forming children for learning and life
  • Describes how business leaders, philanthropists, educators, parents, policy makers, medical professionals and non-profits can and should work together for the good of families with young children

Give it Away

This book is designed to be given away. Do you want your foundation, or your employees, to understand your commitment to early childhood investments? This short book is the perfect tool. Use it for a discussion piece at an executive round table, in your chamber of commerce, or for all of your senior leadership.

Want to use it for office discussion, as a corporate gift, or for a book club?

Contact me for volume discounts.